Monday, March 23, 2009

Parking Lot Prayer

I remember thinking this when Caleb was a new baby, and now that I have added Ella to the armload, I am even more convinced that some serious alterations must be made to America's parking situation. . .

Would someone please explain to me, why there are ever-so-convenient parking places designated for those with physical disabilities, but none designated for mothers with young children?

Let me be the first to raise my hand and admit to my own severely-limiting and humbling disabilities. And talk to any new or experienced mom and you will learn the following: We are sleep-deprived to the point of delirium, and should probably not be driving in the first place; medicated with a variety of drugs (my personal list includes one to help the inner/southern workings of my digestive system continue functioning); we are leaking a variety of fluids from a variety of orifices; nearly deaf from the combination of high pitched wails from hungry newborns and the emotional screeching of a nap-needing toddlers; not to mention the simple physical limitations induced by an infant car-seat slung over one arm, and a toddler dragging his feet on the other.

Don't tell me I, nor others like me, are not handicapped and sorely in need of a little kind convenience!

And so, I confess that in place of The Serenity Prayer, I have occasionally whispered words somewhere along the following:

Dear God,
Grant me the grace and humility to give up this premiere parking place to that exhausted and similarly-handicapped mother and her van-load of children; and may the size-nothing, overly-blond, child-free teen who just took the last parking place in a three-block radius, trip over her ever-so-cute stiletto boots.


  1. oh, wow, totally laughing at that prayer.

  2. Ha! I love you :) Your blog is great! Yes, I have thought the same thing. At the Mall of America they actually have "expectant mother/parents of small children" parking, but jerks (who clearly have no carseats, small children in tow, or bulging stomachs) take the ALL the time. So its a nice thought, but it doesn't really work.

  3. hehe...i do believe God is hearing that little prayer and laughing. i, used to be that girl in the boots sadly, however i have converted, had two kids and now am paying my dues. that is how our little prayers are answered, stilleto girl, has a baby. :)

  4. Oh I LOVE this Beth...too funnny, and way to true! Doesn't it always seem like the days you really need a break, there is not a parking spot to be found? This blog made me laugh...thanks:)

  5. The blessing of living in the south. They actually have these spots! Not many of them, but they exist. Pregnant mothers and parents with infants. Tell your grocery store/Target store about it. Get enough mothers to request it and you might get the spots!
